Subject Forums
When you log in, you will see a list of current forums; Groups, Membership, Email, etc.
Click on the Forum you wish to enter to see a list of the threads (a related series of messages) that are already present. Search the list to see if someone else has already created a thread relating to your enquiry.
Checking for new posts
Each time you come to the Forum, you can click on View New Posts or View Today's Posts near the top right of the page to see what's been added since you last visited.
You can also use the Search box to look for a specific subject.
Adding to an existing Thread
You should add to an existing thread where possible unless the thread is marked as ‘Closed’ or ‘Resolved’ so that all related postings are grouped together as a single resource and so that you gain from the experiences already posted. Your query may already have been answered!
To add to an existing thread, use the Quick Reply box at the bottom or press a New Reply button (on the right side). When you have completed your entry, press Update Post at the bottom.
Creating a new Thread
To create a new thread, press Post Thread fin the top right corner of the Forum.
When you create a Subject for a new thread, please give a succinct summary of the topic so that it will be meaningful to anyone else with a similar query.
When you have completed your entry, press Post Thread at the bottom.
Subscribing to a Thread
Just above the Update Post or Post Thread buttons there are four radio buttons labelled 'Thread Subscription'. Select 'Subscribe and receive email notification of new replies' in order to be advised when someone responds to your message. If you don't do this, you will have to keep coming back to the forum to see if anyone has replied.
The forums are moderated. Inappropriate postings will be removed and others may be edited (especially the Subject) or moved to make them more useful to other people.
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