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[Deployed 10-Jan-2023 ] Gift Aid enhancements



  • Vicbrill

    A useful and more professional enhancement to the Gift Aid process.

  • Susan Kirkwood

    I get a gift aid spreadsheet for the calendar year - and it does not show the two payments made by a new member in the year.  I have to go through every line in detail so it is a frustrating and lengthy process each time.  Presumably I can claim for a membership even if the member is since deceased? - but that does not appear on the spreadsheet either. 

  • Graham Tigg

    On deceased members then it's obviously reasonable Beacon doesn't claim because it is obviously possible the member didn't pay any tax.
    I think you are saying new members joined but the Gift Aid status wasn't entered when the payment(s) ware recorded in Beacon so the Gift Aid amount was never present in the ledger?

  • Susan Kirkwood

    It is also possible that the member (or his/her estate will) did pay tax in the tax year.

    I am not saying that "the Gift Aid Status was not entered" , I am saying that when I get a report for the period where, as far as I can see the gift aid status has been entered, I have never seen two payments from a member. (And I am missing several other members who do not appear in the list although gift aid status is entered - and of course a few where the status was missed.)

  • Graham Tigg

    To help further with this then it would be necessary to look at the ledger and audit log for the members concerned. Do you want help with this?

    If a u3a really wants to contact the deceased estate to verify the tax position for just a few £s income then that will have to be a manual exercise to add a line in the claim form. I really don't think many of us would go there.


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