Please note that this procedure should only be carried out by, or in collaboration with the Membership Secretary, as it marks membership cards as having been printed.
- Before renewing a batch of members, select Membership cards on the Home page.
- If there are no members listed, proceed to step 3. If there are members listed, select 'do with selected' (all members should have already been selected), and when asked to Confirm, click the 'Mark' option. You will need to save the PDF created as well if your u3a uses membership cards – delete it if you aren’t using it.
- Once you have renewed a batch of members, select Membership cards; this time you will see a list of members who have recently renewed.
- Select 'email only' in the selection drop-down menu.
- Where it states 'Download cards', click the dropdown arrow to change to 'Send email', then click 'Do with selected'.
- Select the standard message that you have created to confirm renewal (or see below for an example).
- You can either now repeat this for those without email and select 'Send letter', or print the cards (if required) for those on email and do the letters later.
If you are not issuing cards, click 'Mark' (as described in step 2). If you are issuing cards you will need to ensure they are downloaded and saved for printing before you click 'Mark'.
Example of a standard renewal confirmation email message:
Dear #FAM,
Thank you for renewing your #U3ANAME membership.
Membership number: #MEMNO
Membership type: #MEMCLASS
Fee Paid: #FEE (per member)
Valid until: #RENEW
[Please note that the token names need to be capitalised and that there should not be a space between the hash and the name]
v1 |
2021-05-18 |
Lyn Bossons |
First version |
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