How Long to Keep Records
How long Member Records are kept in Beacon is entirely under the control of the u3a and will usually be managed by the Membership Secretary following the u3a's Data Protection policies.
Financial documents should be retained for at least 6 years plus current financial year. In Beacon, these financial records are recorded in the Ledger and are retained indefinitely. In fact, once a transaction is cleared through the Reconcile process, it is locked and can neither be adjusted nor deleted.
Ledger entries associated with a member (fees, donations, expenses, etc.) should have the member's name in the Transaction (Payee/Payer) along with a link back to the Member Record where their contact details can be found. If the record for a member has been deleted then that link no longer exists so all that remains will be the name of the member.
There is no reason to retain Member Records for a prolonged period of time. How long will depend on a u3a's Data Protection Policy and Privacy Statement and will typically be a year or two.
There obviously needs to be discretion just because a member no longer has the status Current in Beacon. A Lapsed member who is unwell and wishes to remain in touch with the hope of rejoining can clearly be kept on Beacon as long as contact is occasionally maintained. In these circumstances consider removing unnecessary contact data such as a postal address and inform Group Leaders to remove the member from their Group membership lists.
If a member explicitly resigns then it would be hard to justify keeping their Member Record after the end of the financial year. The fact that a member has claimed Gift Aid on membership fees or donations does not make it necessary to retain their Member Record as long as any related Gift Aid records are retained (see below).
Gift Aid implications
If your u3a operates Gift Aid then your Gift Aid submissions to HMRC need to be kept for six years from the end of a financial year a claim was made. If a member completed a paper consent form then retain that for the same period too.
Bear in mind the following points:
- The file submitted to HMRC contains the House and Post Code elements of a member's record so should identify a unique dwelling.
- If a member moves then Beacon will hold the member's current address while the original Gift Aid submission will have a previous address.
- A record of when members have given or withdrawn Gift Aid consent dating back to January 2023 can be viewed in the Gift Aid Log report (see 9.2)
Member added by mistake or never pays
If a member is added by mistake, or a member is added but never pays, then first delete the transaction in the Ledger for their membership fee and then delete their Member Record.
What happens when a Member is Deleted
If sharing an address, the other member is not impacted other than they are no longer sharing an address so are not linked to another Member Record.
Associated Ledger Transactions are retained but without the link to the now-deleted Member Record. The Payee/Payer field is retained.
The Audit Log shows the deletion and until purged should include an address entry with original details.
Deletion Privileges: Note to System Administrators
It is recommended that the privilege to delete members is very tightly limited.
Revision History
v2 |
2020-06-16 |
Graham Tigg |
Added more information on deleting members - effect on Groups and changed the title. |
2021-01-31 |
Graham Tigg |
Clarified a few points and more on Gift Aid records. |
v4 |
2021-04-26 |
Lyn Bossons |
Copied to UG and 4.2.2 added to the title |
v5 |
2021-05-11 |
Lyn Bossons |
The last sentence in the first paragraph on 'Non-gift-aid members' amended in response to the comment below by Marion Clyde. |
v6 |
2022-10-12 |
Graham Tigg |
Added what to do if member added by mistake. |
v7 |
2023-07-18 |
Graeme Bunting |
Advice on retaining Gift Aid records updated |
Surely a member who has resigned or lapsed should be removed from groups, not just have their details hidden using Hide Contact Details from Group Leaders? Hiding their details does not prevent a group leader emailing them. And if the group has a maximum number set, non-current members would still count towards it, possibly taking up places that current members could fill. Unfortunately, there is no function in Beacon to easily remove a member from all their groups. I'm sure it's been requested but doubt it will ever get to the top of the priority list.
The article has been amended in response to the valid comment from Marion Clyde.
Until now we have always deleted all contact details from lapsed, deceased ot resigned members just retaining their name. However, I have just tried to do that for a recently resigned member and I am getting a message that there must be an address. Is that a new check? It is unhelpful. To comply with GDPR I think we should remove as many details as possible. If this limitation remains the only way to do that is to remove the former member entirely,
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