When you require help or guidance, it is readily available from a number of sources:
- Each U3A is allocated a General Supporter and a Migration Team Supporter when they start on the "Beacon Journey". These supporters are part of a national team that is made up of experienced Beacon users who provide personal, 1-2-1 advice through the process of implementing Beacon and the first steps after going 'Live'.
- Using Beacon contains a comprehensive set of articles that cover all aspects of how Beacon works.
- The Demo System contains practice exercises to try out in the Beacon "Demoton" demo system.
- The Beacon Users Forum enables Beacon users to communicate with each other regardless of their UK location. It’s alive with discussion, advice, and all-things Beacon!
If you as an individual Beacon user are not able to answer a question or resolve an issue by one of the methods described above, your first move should be to contact the Site Admin for your U3A.
If your Site Admin is not able to help, then you (or your Site Admin) should use the link at the top right of the page or click here to Open a Support Ticket with the Ongoing Help Team.
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