The Email unblocker utility is accessible only to the Site Admin on the Home page. Note that only one System Administrator can be the Site Admin as indicated by a YES in column 4 of the System Users page.
Beacon emails are delivered by SendGrid, a specialist email service provider. The "unblocker" allows removal of the provided email address from SendGrid's bounce and spam lists. Please only use this if you know the provided email address is valid and the owner has indicated that it can be "unblocked".
Note that if an email appears in in the E-mail delivery report (rather confusingly) as "Blocked" then it is quite likely the problem is temporary and SendGrid will try sending the email again at intervals for 72 hours. In this case check the log at a later time before using the "unblocker" utility.
Enter the email address reported as bounced/spam and a confirmation message will be displayed to confirm that the email address is not in the bounce or spam lists.
Do check that the email address is typed correctly - copy/paste is recommended. Beacon does not check that the email exists in your u3a's data.
Revision History
v2 | 2020-06-01 | Graham Tigg | Clarify only the Site Admin can do this. |
v2 | 2022-07-11 | Graham Tigg | Added more information about "blocking". Stressed need to get email address correct. |
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