When several cheques and cash are paid into a bank at the same time, it is usual for a bank statement to record only the total amount, not each individual cheque. This can make it difficult to reconcile the statement against individual transactions.
Credit Batches are a facility to make reconciliation simpler. All cheques and cash paid in at one time are assigned to a Credit Batch and the batch appears in the Reconciliation listing. When the bank statement entry is reconciled against the Credit Batch, the component Transactions are reconciled automatically.
Viewing Credit Batches
Select Credit batches from the Home Page and choose either Uncleared to see all uncleared Batches, or enter a date to see all Batches since that date.
Creating & adding to Credit Batches
Click Add batch from the Ledger or Add credit batch from the Credit Batches page to display a list of outstanding payments for the selected Account. The display can be sorted on any of the columns by clicking the blue column headings. Tick the ones to be added to a Batch.
To add to an existing uncleared batch, selected the batch from the drop-down list at the bottom of the page and press Add to Existing.
To create a new batch, enter a Batch Reference and press Create Batch
Removing individual transaction from a Credit Batch
To remove a transaction from an existing batch, it the batch has been reconciled then you will first need to open the individual Transaction.
As you can see above the arrow shows where to tick and then you Save this transaction.
If you then go to the Credit Batch and select Cleared ones you will see a part cleared batch.
In the batch you now select on the right the individual transaction to remove from the batch and presss the Remove Transactions button at the bottom.
V1 | 29/01/2025 | John Alexander | Add how to remove individual transactions |
This only seems to be useful if membership fees are posted directly against the Current (i.e. bank) a/c.
If fees are posted to a Membership account then do a transfer from Membership to Current for the amount paid in.
It would be relly helpful to be able to remove an entry that has accidentally added to a credit batch without having to delete the entire batch and start again!
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