Viewing your Group Record
To view the Group Record for your Group, click on the Group name in the Groups List (see 5.1), or elsewhere where Group names are shown. Groups for which you are a Leader or for which you have editing rights are highlighted blue.
Each Group Record comprises four sub-pages:
You can select between these on the row beneath the Group Record title. The active sub-page has its name in black.
Editing your Group Ledger
The Group Ledger page can be used as a basic facility to account for monies paid out and received, for your group.
All transactions are shown for the Group between the selected From and To dates (which default to the current financial year), together with the incremental current balance.
Transactions can be edited or deleted by clicking the blue links on the right of the page.
An Excel copy of the ledger can be downloaded by pressing the Download Excel button (according to your access privileges).
Note: There is no connection between this ledger and the main Treasurer's ledger, however:
- The Treasurer is able to see an overview of your ledger and add the income and expenditure to the main ledger.
- Any Group Leader that has been given the privilege to view Group ledger (as leader) can view (but not edit) transactions related to their Group(s) in the Treasurer's Ledger by Group page (7.1.1 Group Leaders Viewing of transactions in the Main Finance Ledger)
Adding to your Group Ledger
To add a new Transaction fill in the boxes below the Ledger:
- Date
- Payee (can refer to both a person to whom money is paid and a person paying money to you)
- Detail (the reason for the transaction)
- Amount In or Out
Then press the Save button.
Revision History
v2 |
2021-04-29 |
Lyn Bossons |
Merged parts of KB article 'How to use the Group Ledger' that were not already in 5.5 |
v3 | 2024-01-30 | Graeme Bunting | Duplicated text from 5.1 removed. Graphics Updated |
v4 | 2024-06-13 | Graeme Bunting | Reference to Groupers Leaders being able to view the main Ledger by group page added |
v5 | 2024-10-17 | John Alexander | Update link to new Group Leader view main accounts article. |
I've just started using Beacon as a Group Leader. When editing a line in the group ledger the system seems to drop off the first digit of the amount being edited, Glitch in the system?
Regards - Bill Willoughby
I have the same issue.
Now reporting via the ticket system.
John Waddington
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