a) Viewing the Membership List
Click Members from the Home page to view the Membership List page.
There are a couple of features to help quickly navigate around the page:
- Clicking one of the letters in the block above the table will jump to members with a surname starting with that letter.
- Clicking the ‘down’ arrow in the top right corner of the page will scroll to the bottom of the page. There is a similar ‘up’ arrow in the bottom right corner to scroll to the top of the page.
b) Filtering the Membership List
The ‘filters’ at the top of the Membership List page allow you choose which members are displayed:
- Tick one or more boxes to choose the required membership Status [B].
- Choose from the drop-down list [C] to display members belonging to the selected Poll. Ticking Negate poll displays members that do not belong to the selected poll.
- Choose from the drop-down list [D] to display members belonging to the selected Class.
- Choose from the drop-down list [E] to display members that paid for their last membership fee using the selected Payment method.
The Quick Find box may be used to search quickly for full or partial matches in any of the following fields: Member's Name, 'Known as', Street, Town, Postcode, Telephone, Mobile phone or Membership Number. Enter the text or number you want to match and press Search.
Note: If the include criteria below box [G] is ticked, the search will only find members that meet the criteria defined by the [B], [C], [D] and [E] selections.
If the box is left unticked, the search will include all members.
When you have finished searching, press Cancel Search [H] to return to normal operation.
c) Selecting Members from the Membership List
To select one or more members prior to performing one of the operations described in section (d) below, tick the boxes in the left hand column next to each member’s name.
Or click Select at the top or bottom of the column, followed by either:
- Select All for all displayed members
- Clear All to de-select previously selected names
- Email only for members with an email address
- Without email for members without an email address
- Portal Password for members that have successfully registered for the Members Portal
- Email not confirmed for members that have been sent an email link to complete Portal registration but haven't clicked the link to complete the process
- Without Portal Password for members that do not have Portal access
d) Operations with selected Members
After selecting one or more members as described above, the following operations may be available, depending on the access level that you have been given.
Choose one of the options from the drop-down list below the table before pressing the Do with selected button:-
- Send email: opens a form on which to compose an email (see 6.1)
- Send letter: opens a form on which to compose a letter (see 6.2)
- Download Excel: generates an Excel file containing members’ addresses, email addresses, phone numbers, etc.
- Download PDF: generates a pdf document containing members’ addresses
- Download e-mail addresses: generates an Excel file containing email addresses
- Add to group: presents a list of groups that members can be added to
- Add to poll: presents a list of polls that members can be added to
When downloading a file, you will be given the choice of Opening the file onscreen or Saving the file in your default download location. Clicking the arrow next to Save gives the option of doing a Save-as to a specified location.
See below for examples of typical downloads.
Excel Download
PDF Download
Email Address Download
Revision History
v1 |
2020-04-03 |
Graeme Bunting |
First version. |
v2 |
2023-08-22 |
Graeme Bunting |
Additional selections for members' Portal Status added to section c) |
v3 |
2024-05-30 |
John Alexander |
Add mobile in search criteria. |
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